“Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ At that statement his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.”
How can we give to the poor?
On Thursday, October 24 at 7:15pm in the Memorare Center (Beatitudes and Holy Family Room) we are offering an opportunity to answer this question. Speakers from the Peter Maurin Center and South Street Ministries are coming to our parish to talk about how we can further our parish mission…“Be Faith-Filled, Be of Service, Be Devout.”
This event is inspired by the vision of parishioner June Rietz, now deceased, whose legacy challenges us to ask ourselves, “How can real, in-person encounters with those in Akron who need the most, and who have much to offer, enrich their lives, and ours?” The example she set calls us to practice accompaniment, to “walk in love with those who are pushed to the margins.”
From Peter Maurin Center, we welcome Dave Churbock, Director of Peter Maurin Center, as well as Karen McNeill, St. Francis de Sales parishioner and longtime PMC volunteer. From South Street Ministries, we welcome Shawn Bonner, Director of Community Engagement, as well Riley Alchier (resourcing students and families) and Chris Usner (bicycle ministries).
Our guests will share information about the services they provide, and why their services are needed. We’ll explore together the various roads that lead to poverty, and learn about obstacles and challenges folks face as they seek to live the lives we all want—with safety, basic needs met, and the accompaniment of a community we can trust. We’ll be invited to prayerfully consider serving as, in Shawn Bonner’s words, “alongsiders along the way,” encountering and accompanying those pushed to our society’s margins, as Jesus taught and modeled.
Thank you for considering,
Fr. Jeremy
P.S. See you at Loyola Retreat House for the Rosary and Procession at 3:00pm. Peace!