Saint Francis de Sales Parish is a vibrant community offering opportunities for growing closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and fellowship. There are many organizations and ministries here that serve our parishioners, our community, and the Church.
Church Mice
This is a longstanding group who helps foster worship and prayer by their service in cleaning the church each Monday morning.
Due to the dedication of so many, the “Church Mice” are split into two groups that rotate every other Monday. Although their duties involve the humble tasks of cleaning up trash in the pews, mopping floors, dusting, and the like, their ministry cultivates a place of welcome.
We are so grateful for their service.
If you would like to be a part of this special group please contact:
Becky Madick
This group could always use volunteers if interested!
Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gave this Great Commission to his disciples: “Go, and make disciples of all nations!”
These are the marching orders of every Christian. Christians who are neither Protestant nor non-denominational have a special grace in bringing people to a deep encounter with Jesus at work in his Church today. When we evangelize, we invite people to encounter the living God who remains at work through both the Sacraments of the Church and through our prayer, service, and discipleship.
If you would like to grow closer to Jesus Christ and help so many others encounter God’s unending mercy, please contact:
Joanne Reich
Funeral Meals
One of the most tender moments in any family’s life is when a loved one dies. St. Francis de Sales parishioners want to help foster a place of repose where grief can bring healing and fellowship can bond families in difficult moments.
The “Funeral Meals” ministry provides such an environment through their behind-the-scenes help. They prepare a space for fellowship following funerals in St. Francis de Sales’ Upper Room and also cook delicious side dishes for the luncheons.
If you feel God calling you to this ministry of grief support, please contact:
Kathy Herrick
As a parish, we not only desire to provide ministry of service on the day of a loved one’s Funeral Mass, but throughout the healing process. The “Bereavement” ministry is a group whose mission is to be a support for those in the parish suffering from the loss of a loved one.
They try to give emotional as well as spiritual support through prayers and sending cards, flowers, etc.
Another name for the Holy Spirit is “the Consoler.” If the Holy Spirit is calling you to join Him in consoling those who mourn, please contact:
Laurene Scala
Please, also contact Laurene if you believe this bereavement support can help you in your time of grief and need.
Meals for Moms
During times of grief and sorrow, providing even the basic needs for those we love can be a burden hard to carry. The loving parishioners of St. Francis de Sales want to help you precisely in those moments.
The “Meals for Moms” ministry offers meals to families struck by hardships from death, illness, and financial trouble.
If you or a loved one are in need of this gift of support, or you would like to be a part of this service of little deeds done with great love, please contact:
Molly Klatt
Gardening Angels
When you journey around the grounds of St. Francis de Sales, you’ll notice the beautiful flowers around the church, rectory and our lovely grotto for Mary. Thanks to the “Gardening Angels” our parishioners desire to make the parish property a prayerful place that lifts our hearts in thanksgiving to God. They do a beautiful ministry in planting flowers, fertilizing them, and maintaining the grounds.
As St. Francis de Sales said himself: “Bloom where you’re planted.” If God is calling you to put your green thumb to work for St. Francis de Sales, please contact:
Kathleen Ott
Natural Family Planning
The family is a sacred bond between parents and children. “Natural Family Planning” (NFP) cooperates with the beautiful gift of our sexuality within the blessing of marriage. Through NFP spouses learn to not only be attentive to their plans for the future, but to each others’ deepest desires and to respect one another’s bodies within the covenant of marriage.
Statistics show that marriages wherein couples use NFP remain married to each other at a rate of 97%. NFP can be learned and it will help you grow in your love for your spouse and deepen your faith. To learn more, please contact:
Ben and Kay Metzler and/or
Jason and Julia Solomon
Respect for Life
Life is a precious gift from God the Father. Only God can create souls that will live forever. And, each person was chosen before the world began by God to receive His blessings (Ephesians 1).
The “Respect for Life” group desires a culture respectful of life to permeate our neighborhood and city. They promote the beauty of life by gathering outside of church witnesses of unity, through intercessory prayer and actions that reach out to those in need.
To learn more about this awesome work of faith and love, and how you can get involved in the mission, contact:
Anne Williams
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).
The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides an opportunity for parishioners to help those in need of finance assistance who struggle to pay the bills, purchase groceries, etc. due to job loss, illness or life’s struggles. These volunteers' ministry in the Church gives witness to Jesus’ compassion and care.
If you or someone you knows needs help from the St. Vincent de Paul Society please contact:
Bill Simmons
Suburban South Adults with Special Needs
This is a group that has existed for over 30 years at St. Francis de Sales. It is a group that plans social events for adults with special needs. These include a Halloween dance, Christmas party, and attendance of plays put on by the school children at St. Francis de Sales.
These social programs are for adults with special needs, their families and their caregivers. If this is a group you would like to volunteer with please contact:
Terri Evans
Women of Faith
In the second chapter of Genesis, woman was created a crown upon creation. The Women of Faith group meets monthly for speakers, get together for tea, and attend retreats. Open to women of all ages, these times together help nurture and bless that God given dignity and particular vocation for women in the world and Church.
If you sense God stirring a desire in your heart to attend, please contact:
Therese Holderbaum
Men’s Group
This is a group for adult men who work to have a closer relationship with Christ through prayer, bible studies and through relationships with each other. They focus on having a fraternity together and growing stronger in their faith. These men meet biweekly with a subgroup that meets on a weekly basis. This group is facilitated by Bill Crandall with Deacon Ray Herrick as the spiritual advisor.
This group is always welcoming new members. If you are interested please contact:
Bill Crandall
Stephen Ministry
Christ Caring for People through People
That’s the motto of Stephen Ministry. A Stephen Minister’s role is to bring God’s love into the lives of people who are going through a difficult time. What do Stephen Ministers do? They listen, care, support, encourage, pray with and for a person who is hurting. And in the midst of this confidential, one-to-one, caring relationship, God’s healing love comes pouring through.
If you or someone you know is facing a crisis—large or small—and could benefit from the caring presence of a Stephen Minister, talk to one of our Stephen Leaders:
Ann Clark:
Bill Dickey:
Jessica Quentin:
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you!