When Christian Catholics speak about the Sacraments and the Liturgy, the point to the specific works of God that nourish our faith in the here and now. The Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ to mediate grace the way his mortal body mediated his healing, deliverance and forgiveness. There are seven Sacraments: (1) Baptism, (2) Confirmation, (3) Eucharist, (4) Reconciliation, (5) Anointing of the Sick, (6) Holy Orders (Diaconate, Priesthood, and Bishop), and (7) Matrimony. These seven Sacraments make present, in a visible and powerful way, the very work and grace of Jesus Christ. In them, Jesus uses the “stuff” of creation - e.g. our bodies, bread, wine, oil, water, and words - in order to touch us and channel forth His power.
Liturgy is a type of prayer that happens when the Sacraments are celebrated. Liturgy is a formal, ritual prayer. In order to help people pray together, we need to know “what’s next”? The Liturgies of the Church order our celebration of God’s presence through the Sacraments. The Liturgy does not hinder God’s work like a maze, it provides the earth that channels the river of his grace like the banks of the Mississippi. Join us at St. Francis de Sales in our times of Liturgy. Come with a heart of faith open to the presence of Jesus Christ. Allow him to speak to you through his Word. Allow him to touch your heart and life through his presence in the Sacraments. The love in Jesus’ heart yearns for you to receive his mercy and healing. God gave you the Sacraments and Liturgy. Allow Him to move in your life through these awesome gifts!