As we enter into the month of March, be mindful of the many ways God may want to enter into your life and help you along the season of Lent. I know it seems like a lot crunched into a little time frame. It is. Easter comes early this year. Nevertheless, please keep your calendar open for these opportunities to grow in the faith.
- Women’s Retreat: March 16
- Mother Gabriella from Christ the Bridegroom Monastery, a daughter of the parish, will come and help us enter into how prayer changes everything in our lives. Don’t miss this opportunity.
- Parish Mission: March 18 and 19 at 7:00pm
- Brian Stacy, Capuchin Priest, will come to discuss the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi. Monday he will talk on Knowing Francis while Tuesday he will focus on Living Francis—truly living his life in the midst of the world. Fr. Brian was my neighbor growing up as well as classmate in high school. It will be good to welcome him back to the area. Come and support him.
- Tetelestai: March 22nd at 8:00 pm, 23rd at
8:00 pm, and 24th at 2:00 pm
- Tetelestai is the Greek word for “It is finished.” This is a contemporary musical passion play about the last week in Jesus’ life. In it, the Cleveland Performing Arts Ministry vividly portrays His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, His trial, execution and His resurrection. It is free and open to the public. This is Palm Sunday weekend so it will be perfect timing to enter into His Story as we enter into Holy Week.
God bless your Lent,
Fr. Jeremy
P.S. Please notice the page in this week’s bulletin about a Ukrainian family our Welcome Circle (from our cluster parishes) is blessed to support. There will be a basket raffle fundraiser opportunity in the Memorare Center during Coffee and Donuts this Sunday. Thanks for supporting this mission!