We have quite a week ahead of us! Please do your best to make room in your calendar and take advantage of what St. Francis is offering this week.
Parish Mission: March 18 & 19 at 7:00 pm. Fr. Brian Stacy, Capuchin Priest, will come to discuss the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi. Monday he will talk on Knowing Francis while Tuesday he will focus on Living Francis—truly living his life in the midst of the world. Fr. Brian was my neighbor growing up as well as classmate in high school. It will be good to welcome him back to the area. Come and support him.
Tetelestai: March 22 at 8:00 pm, 23 at 8:00 pm & 24 at 2:00 pm. This is the Greek word for “It is finished.” This is a contemporary musical passion play about the last week in Jesus’ life. The Cleveland Performing Arts Ministry vividly portrays His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, His trial, execution and His resurrection. It is free and open to the public. This is Palm Sunday weekend so it will be perfect timing to enter into His Story as we begin Holy Week.
Congratulations Fr. David Stavarz! Fr. David called me the other day with the great news that he will be the Administrator of Holy Family Parish in Parma beginning June 2024. He has served as Parochial Vicar there since last June. The Church was recently remodeled and is a beautiful place to worship. Keep him in your prayers as he takes on this new endeavor.
Thank you, Fr. Sal! Just last week, Fr. Sal called me and shared the exciting news that he is now the Director of Spiritual Care for the Village of St. Edward in addition to his being pastor of Holy Ghost Ukrainian Church. This will enable him to help his family and the people of Ukraine more and more. It has been a privilege to know Fr. Sal. He is a great brother priest in our area. I know you all love him and appreciate his weekly help here at the parish. He was always willing and ready to help our community as needed. I will always be grateful for that. I know he will bless the St. Edward community!
Come Holy Spirit! Please pray for our 8th graders as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation and are on retreat this weekend. Thanks!
God Bless you all!
Fr. Jeremy