Revive. Survive. Alive. Thrive.
As we find ourselves in the midst of the Eucharistic Revival, which one of these “-ives” can you honestly say you find yourself in? Do you find yourself revived in your belief in the Eucharist? REVIVE means to be restored to life. Has your faith in the Blessed Sacrament been restored and strengthened? Or do you feel like you are merely SURVIVING? Or perhaps because the Church is inviting us to a deeper awareness of Jesus in the Eucharist, you now feel ALIVE in Christ and have committed to depending on our Eucharistic Lord in all you do? Or perhaps you are THRIVING, in love with Him and can’t get enough time with Him in Mass and Adoration? Wherever you find yourself, be honest and gentle with yourself. And by all means: “Never take the Eucharist out of your equation.” I found this quote in a newer book by Matthew Kelly called 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory. This is at the heart of my prayer for all of you. “Never take the Eucharist out of your equation.” Sometimes we can fool ourselves and believe we can live without prayer or the Eucharist. It just isn’t so. Perhaps you can go through life without Jesus. But it would be a dull, dead life. Jesus wants you alive and thriving with, in and through Him. Jesus, REVIVE our hearts in love of Your Eucharistic Heart!
If you remember, over the last couple years, we have celebrated Mass in August at the Canal Park Stadium. This year we are not going to do that because the Diocese of Cleveland is offering a “Eucharistic Revival Ballpark Mass.” On Monday, June 24, Bishop Malesic will celebrate Mass in the stadium. Doors and concession stands will open at 5:30 p.m. so that you can enjoy your favorite ballpark foods. The celebration of the Mass will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a Eucharistic procession immediately following from the stadium to St. Bernard's Church which is 0.5 miles away. At the church, you are invited to stay for an XLT Adoration prayer service. The event should conclude by approximately 9:30 pm. In the case of rain, we will celebrate Mass at St. Bernard's Church at 7:00 p.m., followed by XLT. Looking forward to this!
Thank you, Altar Servers! A big thank you to our Altar Servers! This past week, because of an anonymous donation from a parishioner, we were able to take our weekday altar servers out to Big Shots for a couple hours of fun. We really couldn’t celebrate the Eucharist without them. If you know anyone in 5th—12th grade who is interested in serving, let me or Shirley Clark know. Thank you!
May you be REVIVED in your love of the Eucharistic Lord,
Fr. Jeremy