“Behold, I make all things new!”

“Behold, I make all things new!”

Posted on : April 12, 2024

It is time to share some very exciting news with you!  In the month of May, we are going to spruce up the church!  A number of years ago, the sanctuary was renovated and refurbished.  Now it is time to do this for the body of the church where the assembly—YOU—worship.  Perhaps you have noticed how the pews have needed refinished, especially after they were cleaned during COVID.  The kneelers too have been used well over the last 50+ years and are in need of replacing.  Lastly, the carpet is going to be replaced as it has been worn due to foot traffic.  I am very happy that the traffic has happened as that is a great sign that the church is healthy and strong.  Many people are coming and going, praise God!  I did want to take this moment to make you aware of the order of events taking place in the days ahead…

  • May 1-3, the kneelers will be removed in the church.
  • May 6-10, the church pews will be refinished.
  • May 13-17, the carpet and flooring will be replaced.

Once these main bullet points are complete, we will strip and wax the flooring underneath the pews.  Once this is done, the new kneelers will be installed.

Please be aware that because of this work…

  • Daily Mass will take place in the Memorare Center from May 6-18.
  • Weekend Mass will take place in the Gym the weekends of May 11 and 12 as well as May 18 and 19.
  • There will be no adoration May 6-10 in the Church due to staining.
  • Confessions will most likely be outside by the side exits of the confessional unless otherwise noted.

I want to take a moment and thank the Building and Grounds Committee for their work in gathering bids, planning and scheduling this project.  Also, thank you, people of God, for your patience during these few weeks.  I am looking forward to our newly refurbished church—a place we all call home.

Peace and blessings to you,

Fr. Jeremy

P.S. Congratulations to Ryan Arto who will be ordained as a transitional deacon April 13! Come celebrate with him in his Mass of Thanksgiving here this Sunday, April 14 at 9:00 a.m.

4019 Manchester Road
Akron, OH 44319
Ph: 330.644.2225
Email: ParishOffice@stfparish.com
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