Last week we had our Halloween parties in the school, and it was quite funny to see all of our staff dressed up like bees! Since our theme this year is “Be Holy,” we added another “E” and dressed up like bees! The honey bee has been an ancient symbol in the Catholic Church. In 1948, Pius XII gave an address to beekeepers, saying that bees teach us to work with order and peace, enjoy the fruit of our labors, and protect our queen. St. John Chrysostom wrote, “The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others.” There is much work to do to build up His kingdom!
I got to dress up like a beekeeper this year. What do beekeepers get to do but help keep the hive alive and healthy! Among many tasks, they have to ensure there is enough food for the bees to stay alive. As Catholic Christians, we know this food is the Eucharist. And while we can spend our lives flying around this world with many tasks and responsibilities, if we don’t stop and spend time with the source and summit of our lives, we won’t make it long. That is why this coming weekend is so important! Stop buzzing around and spend time with Jesus this weekend at our annual Eucharistic Devotions Weekend November 15-17. It will begin with the School Mass at 9:00 a.m. on November 15 and end with Evening Prayer and Benediction on November 17 at 6:30 p.m. This year, we are excited to hear Dc. Ryan Arto give a reflection on the importance of the Eucharist in our lives. We are also excited about the Mini Eucharistic Congress that Colleen Wilson is facilitating during the same weekend. Come to one or all of the sessions. Let’s go to the source so we can truly live in Christ!
God bless you as you build up His kingdom,
Fr. Jeremy
PS Special Thanks! From SVDP: “Thanks to the great kids of St. Francis de Sales School, our pantry shelves are once again full! And, thank you to Terry Speck for all his hard work arranging for it all! We are truly blessed here at St. Francis.”