Drive Up Confessions
We will be offering the Sacrament of Confession in a drive through format.
The people of St. Francis routinely find great grace in the receipt of this Sacrament and we are blessed to have long lines whenever it is offered.
In this most unusual time, without the ability to hear confessions as frequently as we are accustomed to and in a vastly different format, please prayerfully consider your true need for the Sacrament at this time.
We ask that only those in need of confession for serious sin come for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at this time.
We do want to make available the Sacraments as we can, and in obedience to the bishops of Ohio, and with your health and safety in mind. Much like all of Ohio, we, as a parish, are in this together. We hope that this time of prayer will help uplift the parish as we move through Holy Week and into the Season of Easter.
Should you discern that you are truly in need of partaking in the Sacrament of Reconciliation the following guidelines must be adhered to:
- You must drive up and remain in your car. For that reason and the privacy of the Sacrament, there should only be one person in the car.
- Enter through the Diederich Lane entrance off State Rd.
- You will be greeted and shown where to wait.
- You will not be given the choice of confessor.
While receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Place your car in park.
- Remain in your vehicle and roll down your passenger side window. Father will receive your Confession from that safe distance.
- We ask that in the interest of allowing as many as desire to participate in the Sacrament you keep your confession brief and to the point, with a time limit of two minutes.
- After absolution please exit the parking lot as directed.
Peace & Gratitude, Fr. Bearer and Fr. Bline
Confession Times:
Holy Thursday 9-11am
Good Friday 12-2pm
Divine Mercy Friday, April 17 12-2pm