Time with God Changes Us Forever!

Time with God Changes Us Forever!

Posted on : June 2, 2023

Just last week, I had the opportunity to go down to Salt Fork for a couple days.  I went with a couple of priest friends who are active, energetic and have even run marathons in the past.  We ended up playing 36 holes of golf each day.  But on the second day, after getting done with golf, one of my buddies had the idea to go on a run.  We ended up hiking and running for 8 miles!  Thank God, I survived!

After looking back on that experience, it made me think a lot about my life and how we can be impacted by the people around us.  Some people can lift us up, encourage us and help us achieve things we never imagined.  Others can do otherwise.

How much more is this true about our God?  Just last weekend we celebrated Pentecost, where we celebrate how God wants to share His life with us.  God wants to encourage and inspire us, ensuring us that He is with us in all that we do.  This weekend, we celebrate who God is as Father, Son and Spirit.  We have a God who is a “merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity” (Ex 34:6).  Truly, we have a faithful God who promises to be with us forever.  We have a God who came into the world not to condemn the world, but to save it and make it new.

Just as time with my priest friends encouraged me to live better, spending time with God in Mass, Adoration, personal prayer, praise and worship and more can change your life forever and transform you into someone you never even imagined!  Let us pray like Moses prayed at Mt. Sinai and ask the Lord to “receive us as Your own.”  Lord, receive us, pardon us and transform us into the saints you desire us to be!

Thank you Lord,

Fr. Jeremy

P.S. Don’t forget that Fr. Bline will be celebrating his 25th Anniversary Mass on Saturday, June 10 at the 5:00pm Mass.  We love him and prayerfully support him in all of his endeavors!


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