“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). This Advent Season we have been opening up our lives to the joy, hope, peace and love of our God. These realities are made present in and through the birth of Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas! Christmas is the best place to see hope lived out for others. Jesus, the great God-man, was not afraid to enter into our world so that the afflictions of humanity could be overcome. This Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus’ mission of bringing hope and joy to the world, we receive Jesus Christ Himself so that we aren’t afraid to enter into the hopelessness and despair of our brothers and sisters, letting His light shine through us into their lives!
On December 24, we will begin the Jubilee Year of Hope. To prepare us for the Jubilee, Pope Francis wrote a document called “Hope Does Not Disappoint” in which he reminds us that “often we come across people who are discouraged, pessimistic and cynical about the future, as if nothing could possibly bring them happiness. For all of us, may the Jubilee be an opportunity to be renewed in hope.” Pope Francis is calling us to be “signs of hope” especially to the ones who need it the most….people who are experiencing the desire for peace in the world, people who are struggling to be open to life and bring life into the world…prisoners…the poor…the sick…the young…the elderly…migrants…and people in difficult situations. Who are these individuals in your life? Can you name a friend, family member or co-worker you know that fits into one of these areas where hope is needed the most? Ultimately, they need Christmas to happen in their lives. Christ needs to come as their “Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace” and bring about a hope that will last forever!
As we enter this new year of hope, Eucharistic Prayer IV for Various Needs jumped out at me. May it serve as a great mission of hope for all of us…
“Open our eyes to the needs of our brothers and sisters; inspire in us words and actions to comfort those who labor and are burdened. Make us serve them truly, after the example of Christ and at his command. And may your Church stand as a living witness to truth and freedom, to peace and justice, that all people may be raised up to a new hope.”
Merry Christmas,
Fr. Jeremy
PS If you know someone in great need of hope that has been away from the Church for a while, invite them to Catholics Returning Home on January 11 at 9:00 a.m. It’s never too late!