Is the Catholic Church Dying?

Is the Catholic Church Dying?

Posted on : January 10, 2025

Recently, I saw this YouTube clip from Fr. Michael David Moses, a younger Catholic priest from Texas who makes his presence known on the internet.  He had just attended the Seek Young Adult Catholic conference in Salt Lake City.  He said this in the video…

“One of the saddest things about being a Catholic priest is seeing how the Church is dying.  I just went to a Catholic conference called Seek and they only had a measly 20,000 people there and look at this, barely any young people…the faith just doesn’t seem to resonate with college-age kids these days.  Even the few people that were there didn’t really show up to Mass or Confession and the energy level was just so low…I’m trying to give you a clear sense of the vibe in these videos.  Also, barely any priests, especially young ones.  Overall, just a pretty rough experience.  If you’re looking for something super hype and life-changing that’s going to reorient you to the faith that will satisfy all the deepest longings of your heart, I just don’t know if Seek is the place to be. But maybe we’ll try again next year.  God bless.”

Obviously, Fr. Michael was being sarcastic as the videos showed an abundant, life-giving, adoring, Eucharistic-centered experience for young adults.  Praise God!  But sadly, many speak of the Catholic Church, as well as Christianity, in this manner for real.  Or worse, they believe the Church is dying.  We must let go of this lie from the enemy.  The Catholic Church is ALIVE and FLOURISHING!  Most likely you received the Pastoral Letter from Bishop Malesic in the mail called, “A Flourishing Apostolic Church.”  He is calling us to worship, evangelize and serve!  He said “a healthy parish does three things well:  The people worship God with intensity.  The people hear God’s word and share the Good News of our salvation in Christ with others, becoming evangelizers. And, finally, they put their faith into action by serving the materially and spiritually poor…”

In the Gospel, John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”  Did you know that you were baptized with fire?!  As a Church, because of our baptism, let’s allow the fire of Christ’s love to burn so brightly in our hearts that others notice it!  St. Catherine of Siena reminds us, “be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.”

Thank God the Church is ALIVE!
Fr. Jeremy

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