“He is here.” The words flashed across the lit backdrop of the stage in stark black and white, the lights dropped, incense billowed, and tens of thousands of the faithful fell to their knees. In an instant, an NFL stadium was transformed into a cathedral. Heaven descended to earth in the humble form of a circle of bread lifted high in a golden monstrance. Thus began the tenth National Eucharistic Congress.
From July 17th to 21st, I was privileged to attend the Eucharistic Congress as one of over 200 delegates from the Cleveland Diocese. Many times throughout those five days, I knelt in Adoration filled with gratitude and caught up in amazement at what Jesus Christ has done for His Church and how He is reawakening our awareness of His love through the Eucharistic Revival. The one conviction that came to my mind again and again was, “The Lord is pouring His Heart out for His people.” He wants to pour out His life into our hearts through the Eucharist! As He says in this week’s gospel, “Whoever eats this bread will live forever and the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the world” (Jn 6:51).
We always need to be reminded of the gift Christ has given us. That is why the bishops of our nation called for a Eucharistic Revival, and that is why an army of pilgrims flocked to Indianapolis for the Congress: we each need to remember, like Our Lady in her Magnificat, that “He who is mighty has done great things for me” (Lk 1:49). He is here! If we understand what He has done for us, we will respond with praise. We will respond with our whole lives.
We give our praise and our lives to Him one day at a time, so come give Him these offerings next Sunday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. in our parish evening of Outdoor Adoration! We will gather behind the Memorare Center for Adoration with praise and worship music. Remember to bring chairs or blankets for seating. I and other parishioners who attended the Eucharistic Congress will share reflections on our experience. I thank Fr. Jeremy for allowing me to go to the Congress as a representative for the parish (and for sharing his bulletin space with me this week!). I hope you will join us to adore the Lord next Sunday. He is here!
With grateful prayers,
Colleen Wilson